Beautiful Queen: BSOELITE

S.S That's a Thought
4 min readJun 26, 2022

Hello, beautiful readers, it’s that season again when I share beautiful Queen's stories on their careers, their self-love growth and their platform, one of my favourite things to do, and I am very excited to introduce Bsoelite.

I had the pleasure of getting to know this beautiful Queen through social media no other than tik tok, we have mutual friends and very similar interests, this Quee is international from the U.S.A and I was so excited to interview this Queen.

From what I know of Bsoelite is a comedy Queen, spiritual, genuine, and an outgoing Capricorn, but I’ll let her do the rest of the talking this is her time and I enjoyed this interview and feedback, thank you Bsoelite for doing this interview I was an honor and a pleasure.


Hello I am Bsoelite and I am an up incoming entertainer , Entrepreneur. I was born and raised in Kansas City Missouri

About your Platform and How it all Began

It all started when I was a little my close family members had camcorders in my face since I was a baby to capture memoriesm, I been intrigued with being on camera ever since. I realized my passion to entertain others really came at age 7 years old, I remember just acting goofy on my mama’s camcorder just to make others smile and laugh.

As I got older I continued to make videos and decided to put them on the internet after seeing how it brought close family and friends joy.I just knew I had to share this personality on the internet for others to see, making videos became a therapeutic thing for me. Whenever I would need a escape from the frustrations in my life I would just go make a video, making videos brings me so much joy I love it.

What’s your platform called?

I currently make videos on two platforms…TikTok and Instagram feel free to follow me on both TikTok and Instagram @ayobfine I love make new friends as long as the vibe is peaceful 👌🏼Instagram I now make uplifting videos.

In 2019 I decided to start a Instagram live Talk Show and called it Bean Bag Talkz.

What inspired me to call it Bean Bag Talk..

Well it came from me literally sitting in a room on a red bean bag talking to my Instagram followers, I would come up with different topics and give other up incoming entertainers interviews on their journeys although I had fun going live solo, I realized getting my Bro @blessed_mrdavis2.0 to be my Co host would be more lit. This way he could speak on a guys perspective on topics.

Two personalities are always better than one especially on a Talk Show
Bean Bag Talkz is a judge free outlet where everyone is welcome to express their emotions and truly be heard.

How I balance my videos in my daily routine

I work alot so I decided to come up with reasonable days to upload my videos
So now I upload videos every Wednesday and Thursdays that way I don’t overwhelm myself and spend too much time on social media.

The key factors that inspired me to start making videos

The key factors that inspired me to start making videos
1. God blessed me with the gift to make videos
2. I just love making others laugh and smile
3. I just wanna spread love and peace onto the world

The three celebrities that inspire you are

Martin Lawrence
Eddie Murphy
And Raven symone
These three celebrities are so talented especially when they play all the different characters in their movies/shows I definitely took mental notes from growning up watching these three celebrities

What do you advise other women or people to work on Self-love and their passion?

The advice I have for folks to work on self love and passion is to stay true yourself always…Make sure you take time out for yourself to just relax and do what truly brings you joy💓

What are the main things you’ve learned about yourself this year?

The main thing I learned about myself this year is I have to set boundaries and take breaks. It is okay to take time out for yourself, I can be such a selfless person that I really had to learn that.

What’s your favourite quote that uplifts you?

My favorite quote is by Rocky Balboa

‘You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward’.



S.S That's a Thought

BLOG PAGE S.S THAT’S A THOUGHT , Single Mother, Actress, Writer, Blog Writer, Christian, Cancerian