S.S That's a Thought
4 min readFeb 8, 2021


During this journey, you will have mood swings because you're waking up your body back to exercise, you’re energy and your sleeping pattern will change.

Remember to go at your pace, there will be trials, there will be some amazing achievements.

You will learn more about your body and notice your strengths and weaknesses.

When making notes

-Write down how you feel out of 10, each time you exercise and write down what you will do next time in your exercise to feel 10 out of 10.

Reflecting on your process helps you, it helps you notice what you enjoyed and what you found hard. You will be able to research what exercises you would like to try and what workout you want to put on hold until you feel more capable to finish.

- Write down what you eat

You are what you eat they say, this has some fact, you’ll notice when writing down what you eat, the rubbish that affects your mood and you may want to cut off, or not eat for a while.

Are you eating your 5 a day?

Are you drinking enough water?

As much as you can write down everything you eat, snacks between breakfast and lunch. If you’re a night owl like me, what night snacks do you eat.

Important to see how many calories you need, and how many calories you would like to reduce.

You’ll be able to notice if you have a sweet tooth, or if you’re more of a savory person.

What foods to avoid, and what foods to eat more of.

My Experience

I notice I have a sweet tooth, and for the last three years I don’t take sugar in my herbal teas, I have honey. I don’t cook with salt, only seasonings and herbs, I still had to look at the quantity of how much seasoning I use.

Remember seasonings already has salt, everyone’s preference is different but looking at how much salt you take, can help you know how to reduce.

When writing how I feel, I made notes on what to do for the next workout.

For example last week I took away cardio as I feel I don’t need to do too much because I already do dance workouts that cover the full body with a warm-up.

So for example for my workouts this week, I will only work on specific areas I want to change and tone. I will keep dancing but reduce the time so I have better energy to do other things, as well as having energy and focus for doing activities with my son.

What foods I stayed away from

Crisps, apart from Nachoes which is one of my night snacks, but some weeks I cut it off than one week I’ll eat them three or four times a week, with salsa sauce and cheese, My weakness, but what I have learned to do is cut it off.

Too much salt, cheese, acid sauces are not good to eat around night time, cheese can keep me up and the salsa dip can cause heartburn sometimes.

I stayed away from instant noodles, microwave burgers, microwave chips I used to eat a lot of these things like lunch, instead, my lunch is a salad with tuna or chicken. Sometimes fruit salad and a homemade subway sandwich with wholemeal bread.

I cut down drinking fizzy drinks, no coffee, my personal preference is a juice with water or herbal drinks only. I don’t even drink Hot Chocolate anymore not the way I used to.

You're supposed to drink eight glasses of water, throughout the day I drink three glasses of water, but mostly herbal teas, smoothies, or just super malt or Lucozade.

Again I am not an expert, I’m aware not too many fizzy drinks, even energy drinks you should stay away from, there’s a lot of sugar in energy drinks.

Furthermore, a smoothie is not healthy to have all throughout your day, that’s not healthy remember there is the acid in fruits and vegetables, it’s all about finding a balance, there is a lot of information on smoothies. (Smoothies I will speak about in the next entry).

Finding a Balance

Overall you are learning to find a balance, find a balance in eating the right amount of foods your body needs to function. How much salt, how much fibre and carbs, protein ect… all these you need to research.

Finding a balance in your day and your sleeping pattern, keeping an eye out for how you feel mentally.

Exercise is mentally good for all of us I believe, releases tension, helps you keep fit regularly even if it’s only a twenty-minute workout or a ten-minute walk.

Thank you for reading

Nough Love



S.S That's a Thought

BLOG PAGE S.S THAT’S A THOUGHT , Single Mother, Actress, Writer, Blog Writer, Christian, Cancerian