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Miracles and Guardian Angels

S.S That's a Thought
10 min readDec 22, 2021


I’ve always had a fascination with Angels, from I was introduced to Angel Gabriel and learning about the other Angels, Micheal, Uriel. Raphael

I had this theory when I was little when I read about fairies as they were the only things that related to a person with wings, and the only concept I got from that as a child was from the bible stories Angel Gabriel, the angels that came to Abraham, and others in the Old Testament and new.

I used to tell myself the writers were talking about Angels they just said fairy because they didn’t want to seem they were crazy for believing in angels.

No one can tell me otherwise I believe in Angels and Miracles in my life.

This blog is about Miracles and how to recognise them, whether it was a situation, or if you experienced meeting a Guardian Angel in your life, do you think this still happens? Do you believe in Miracles and Guardian Angels?

I have had a roller coaster of a year and I have to admit the miracles that have happened to me this year, which I can only describe as God’s love for me again, and how truly blessed I have been in some situations, having my back.

I won’t offend you fellow Kings and Queens reading this, whether you believe in God, or Budha, or Mother Nature, or you just say The Universe, I can only explain from my background, furthermore, I’m sure in your own lives you have experienced miracles and guardian angels, may have been a financial miracle, emotional growth miracle, a situation in your career, love life, anything there have been times in the season where have all experienced a miracle.

My Experience with Guardian Angels

I can only recall two or three major moments in my life when I have encountered an Angel, a Guardian Angel that I had experience with, I will never forget about not even now in my 29 years of age.

I have had two major experiences of Guardian Angels, I truly believe I met and even now words can’t describe how much I was shocked to see they still exist, this was a test of my faith, and also a full realization of how real miracles play an effect to how I see my faith and my life.

Mircales what do they remind you?

Miracles that happen to me, remind me to have Faith, a reminder to be thankful for what I have and what I could have lost sight of of what is important.

Miracles always remind me how real my relationship is with God, my Faith, and how my character is with him in my life.

Miracles is a human reminder, that we are not invisible and we are not on our own, someone is always watching and when we least expect it things can happen that can throw us off, but Miracles can remind us we are to always have Faith, and be grateful someone up there always has my back.

Now I can tell you hand on heart, I have experienced so many miracles all my entire life, there are so many moments where I know the situation could have been more stressful if it wasn’t for God’s grace and mercy with me.

My Breakdown of Angels

Angels are very rare but when you notice them you can’t help but stare,

You feel mesmerized by how beautiful they are inside and out, and how the Angel had come to you at the right time with no doubt.

There are still Angels that walk amongst us we just don’t see their wings, and these Angels do shine even when they have off days.

Angels the strength they have and the trials they battle and carry are unlike any other, they are rare and very hard to read.

They have battles no one can understand.

Yet they still offer a helping hand to those who feel lost or forgotten, discouraged, Angels come at the right time.

Angels swim the oceans no one could ever survive and I’m blessed to witness the Angels I have come across in my life.

I know an Angel when I see one, and I won’t forget the Angels that have done things for me.

Story Time 1st Guardian Angel

This may not be the very 1st Guardian Angel as I feel there was many more way before this situation but this is the first encounter I remember when I had an experience with a Guardian Angel.

So it was the year 2010 I had just hit the big birthday at this age, my 18th! I went to Florida, Orlando, for my birthday and it was a big experience for me because not only did I turn 18 but I was flying on my own without my Dad, Mother, Brother, nobody, I was travelling on a plane solo on my own and I felt so grown up and nervous but excited to embark this new journey.

The moment of this summer where I met the Angel now was when I was travelling back home, because I had a connect flight, and I missed the second flight to get back to the U.K.

Imagine no parents, I was lost in Newark Airport, for a young adult or anyone this was a scary and nerve-racking experience, I had to use my instincts and make my way to the help desk. But I didn’t know what to say, I had a bit of an anxiety moment.

There was this woman who noticed me, she was in uniform behind the desk, she noticed how quiet and scared I felt, missing my flight, no money to book a hotel, no money to call my relatives in the U.S, or even reach my dad or mom in the U.K. My mobile wasn’t on, no signal.

To be honest with you I couldn’t tell you if her name tag said Veronica or Monica, but the point of the matter is this woman was my Guardian Angel, at that moment of my life. No Lie, you can not believe me but I know what I felt and what I experienced.

Moving on into this story, Veronica/Monica booked me a night in a hotel, nice hotel close to the airport, she gave me food vouchers to get food when I come back to the airport the very next morning, she made sure I got on the bus, she sorted my flight, she explained she would never want any young lady to be lost how I was.

I slept the night in a hotel on my own near the hotel, I was okay but to be honest I couldn’t sleep, because the only person who knew how I felt overall was God. I wasn’t able to use the hotel phone to phone anybody, I was able to use the WIFI to message my mom, my aunty, in Palm Beach, let them know I was safe.

Even if connected flights, these errors can happen, an 18-year-old flying first time on their own, this can be a scary experience, however, the very next morning, I checked out, was able to check in again, but when I went back to the desk to find the woman who helped me, you know the assistant had no idea who I was on about, no matter how much I described this woman that helped me the day before she simply didn’t know, didn’t recognise how Ii described her, or even her name in question… sorry to say but I am not sorry this was Guardian Angel I truly believe.

I was so shocked, I wanted to say thank you, and even now I still vaguely only remember what she looked like, I know she was a woman, African American, shortish hair, the uniform but again I can’t remember the name fully, all I can say to me she was a miracle in this situation and a Guardian Angel, I don’t know any woman who would pay and make sure someone who isn’t their child or friend would help out the way she helped me.

So again Thank You Lord for this Guardian Angel of 2010.

Storytime Miracle- There It Dropped, There it came back to Me

So storytime again, this was recently this year, there are a lot of Miracles this year I have experienced, literally 24 hours after a storm something joyful and peaceful happened for me the very next day, and everything was turned around. I will only mention two as these ones I’m telling you I see as a highlight and I can’t make this up.

It was July this year literally a couple of weeks after my birthday, and I had a few trials before my birthday so when this happened it was so nerve-racking and felt like the worse that could happen to me.

My phone dropped 8 stories down through the side of the lift I got it, and it was still working, it was lying at the bottom of the lift, and within the same day, I got my phone back within a couple of hours.

Imagine your phone dropping through the side of the lift, in the darkness, could have broken, could have cracked, could have smashed, anything, and at that moment in my life it was the last thing I wanted to happen to me.

I was worried emotionally and felt what was I going to do, can’t afford a new phone right now! what if it’s broken? What will I do?

Anyway, my neighbour let me use his phone to call housing, explain my phone has dropped down the lift, and behold a couple of hours after there was a knock at the door, and I got my phone back in one piece, no scratch, still working, can still make calls, nothing lost.

The miracle was my neighbour letting me use his phone and getting my phone back in one piece. On the same day it happened, the same day I got it back, I’m sorry but not sorry I can only describe this as a miracle and God having my back, seriously, this could have caused problems, and a trial I wasn’t prepared for. I am grateful for this miracle.

Storytime- Miracle of the Keys, Twice can You Believe, There they were lost and now they are found on the same day

Last year during autumn or winter one of these seasons I lost my keys and I was stressed, I was upset, I did so much that day on top of everything else as a Single Mother, I called my Mom and Dad who had the spare keys.

I was in the city centre, I went back to all the shops I visited that day asking if they saw any keys, I travelled to my mothers picked up the spare keys and went home.

Behold I opened my door and got a note from a neighbour, my keys were found and to knock on their door, this is a Miracle.

Well, yesterday…on the 21st December 2021, I was rushing out, preparing for Christmas, visiting who I could, well getting ready to go home I couldn’t find my keys and lost them again.

Oh, dear! When you in a rush these things can happen, again I just had to ask my mom for the spare keys, on the way home, got to my front door. Behold I saw a note posted on my front door. “Found your keys, knock on my door. From neighbour”. I knocked on their door, so thankful got my keys back.

Twice I got my keys back, this is a miracle to me saved so much hassle of calling housing, finding funds to get another pair of keys, my mom had to give me the keys.

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.

Miracles happen every once in a while, and in general, I think there are miracles that we have witnessed or experienced that we can’t explain.

On that Note

The point is I hope this blog encourages you to believe that Miracles truly happen for you, any of you when you believe, and seriously when you least expect it. I hope this helps you reflect on your life whether this year or in your past life, who was your guardian angel, what miracles did you experience?

You never know maybe you were a Guardian Angel in someone else’s life whether you were there for a brief moment, or season you may have touched that person or helped that person. In these situations, they may not know your name, or even recall how it happened, but they will always be grateful for you at that moment. Maybe you were their Guardian Angel, you may recognise these assignments in your life when you’re being tested to see how you treat that person or how you would help that person.

Nough Love and remember Miracles happen not just this season but any season of your life, and look out for those Guardian Angels.

Miracles and Guardian Angels I believe truly exist, reflect before the end of this year, think about all the miracles or Guardian Angels you feel you have come across this year, and be thankful, grateful this has been a part of this journey we call “LIFE”.

Thanks for reading

Nough Love S.S



S.S That's a Thought

BLOG PAGE S.S THAT’S A THOUGHT , Mother to a gifted autistic boy, Actress, Writer, Blog Writer, Christian, Cancerian