Oh My Gosh It’s Actually Year 2022, What’s in store for you?

S.S That's a Thought
7 min readJan 5, 2022

Well well well hello January, I do hope my fellow readers have had a wonderful Christmas holiday and New Year’s. This is the time to celebrate all you survived last year, all you went through the good, the bad, and the ups and downs.

I hope you were able to reflect and make some amazing memories with your friends and family during the festive season, to those who had to isolated or wasn’t able to see your family I hope you had a blessed Christmas and New Year’s, I hope you still found ways to have a Happy Christmas.

Reflection of 2021

So last month, I shared some questions to help us all reflect on 2021, and I wanted to share some of my views from those questions, I still have yet to share from my friendly peers their feedback from these questions.

What were the biggest challenges from this year?

The biggest challenge of 2021 was learning how to embrace who I am now, and dealing with the healing, I could clearly notice throughout this year that I was still healing from a broken heart, and there is no time frame or space on healing and finding who you are again.

There were challenges to adjusting to finding time to rest and relax my body, and actually have a lazy day in my week and on my weekend also, it’s really hard to force yourself to relax when you're so used to being on the go, even to the point when naps don’t exist in your daily routine.

However this year near the end of this year, due to the change of weather, clock changing, even the full moon, the different type of energy in the air was affecting my days. I had to learn to sleep better, seriously relax my body, and even now I am still learning.

Another challenge was accepting people for who they are, even if I myself don’t agree with it, even if I don’t like it, now I am saying so what that is who you are, I don’t have to let it affect the kind of person I want to be.

My solution to this is just to keep them from my world, my energy, keep my distance, don’t lose sleep, don’t get involved, keep it moving because people are people.

I guess there are so many things I faced challenges, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually it all fell into place, I had to face the challenge of managing my emotions. I really had to check myself inside and out, sometimes we have to check ourselves, try not to put our negative mindset on others, sort ourselves out, in those off days just face them, digest those feelings and keep it moving.

What was your biggest win this year?

My Biggest Win this year was the healing and finding myself again, I am starting to really love the woman I am becoming even with my scars, these scars are my beauty marks to my story to the ongoing survival.

Another win is just simply being a mother, being a single mother is a 24/7 win that comes with no pay, different levels of tiredness, there’s a lot of tears, and a lot of laughter. The sacrifice, the support you can get you are forever grateful for, the memories I have made this year have been a blessing with my son.

Another win for me this year is achieving some of my personal goals, it feels good when you can tick some of your achievements off the list, and look back and think to yourself “I actually did it”, make sure you clap for yourself Kings and Queens.

Another win is both all the hobbies I have continued and the hobbies I have started to try this year, every hobby I have done this year has given a positive effect on my life. I just hope next year to continue these hobbies.

Bonus win is the friends I have made, the friends I was able to reconnect with after the pandemic has calmed down, it’s been a blessing to share moments of birthdays, gatherings, dinner out, lunches, brunches, cocktails. I have appreciated all the moments I was able to see my close family and friends in my bubble.

What helped you get through this year?

The support of someone listening to me has helped me throughout this year, the unheard prayers of unknown peers have helped me throughout this year along with the support in my village.

The support of friends being honest with me, those who have not judged me, not question my character, the ones who have truly wished me well, the ones who encourage you to be the best you are the ones you need.

Prayer and having a moment to myself have helped me get through this year, being able to go out once or twice a month has helped me throughout this year.

Spending time with my family has helped me throughout this year, my son going to nursery has helped me with a morning routine this year.

How would you describe the type of person you were this year?

The type of person I am this year; I am someone who is capable of applying myself with a full heart, along with some patience, and deep study, and faith I can get the goal done. I am a person who won’t allow anyone to take me for an idiot, and I am not afraid to let go of anything or anyone who affects my peace of mind, you got to put your mental health first. I feel I have become a person who really had to remove my veil, unleash the pandora’s box of my deepest fears and anxiety, give it God, be fully naked and let it pass, let it go, accept it so I can move on and I am still learning to do this on a daily basis.

I hope the reflection through the festive seasons helped you find what you love about yourself, what you value about yourself, what you love about your life and I hope you have continued to take the good with you into this new year.

What have you learned? Gained? Achieved? what do you hope to achieve next year, have a look at the questions, this is not a blog to read, this is a blog exercise for me to share with you

January is Here, Back to Basics

I know January coming back to work, back to school/ nursery runs/ back to our basics of getting the decorations down, thinking the sparkle is gone with all the excitement.

I know January can still feel draining, trying to find time to still rest, get the homes back in one piece, preparing little ones, and gathering our energy, in general, can be a lot of work when the holiday is over.

January also is an amazing starting point, not just because it’s the first month of the year but because it enables us to continue working on our personal goals.

What A New Year Brings

However I believe a new year is a wonderful experience and a big form of hope, because we all come to the realization, that we can be thankful and grateful we have an opportunity to make things happen again, keep reaching those goals, keep focusing on what makes you happy when it’s the new year.

The New Year gives the opportunity, to be excited and prepared for the unknown chain of events that are about to happen in your life of 2022. Maybe that job you’ve always wanted is finally coming through, the goal for that dream house, or your opening a new business, you're starting a family, you’re single and still learning and loving more about yourself (I’m still here), you’re learning self-control, more self-love. Whatever the dream and miracle it’s definitely something to be thankful for while you’re still here, alive and breathing.

Trust me we all deserve an amazing new year and what better way than to try and keep practicing on those goals you love. Make a to-do list, get those events and reminders on your diary, calendar, looking at what to prepare for the next couple of months.

It’s only just been three days into January and already as well as being tired and trying to get my sleeping pattern back, I am really excited for a new blessed week, a fresh month to keep on moving and to keep learning and loving the change about me.

I hope you fellow readers have a blessed week, blessed month and I look forward to sharing new thoughts and ideas with you.

Thank you to those who have followed me from day one, thank you to those who read and share my content, this would have not continued without your love and support.

On that Note

I hope you have a blessed new week, blessed new month, and again

Happy New Year

2022 what’s in store for you?

Nough Love




S.S That's a Thought

BLOG PAGE S.S THAT’S A THOUGHT , Single Mother, Actress, Writer, Blog Writer, Christian, Cancerian