Some Favourite Blogs from Back in the Day

S.S That's a Thought
4 min readDec 22, 2020

When you’re tapping into your gifts

So throughout the last three months with my development of growing into a child and Woman of Faith, Woman of God I have noticed some official changes in how I have been when praying more and gaining more knowledge in what I have been reading, and spiritually what’s happening to me also.

Through the months when I have been praying, and not just praying but believing and being aware more of my actions to how I treat people, to how I deal with trials that have been complicated, to how I have been tapping into more of belief and having hope and keeping the faith that I will be happy and I will overcome my trials. Something amazing and wonderful had happened to me this year.

Written in September 2017

Routine Reflection Relaxation

I thought I’d be late on my timing but when there’s something important to share, especially when it coming from my personal experience. God is always on time for me to speak. So this weekly thoughts from last week Friday to now is about Routine, Reflection and Relaxation….


So my routine has been 50/50. Work was overwhelming and not sleeping as long as I wanted, because it takes me awhile to sleep. In between work I decided I would like to try and keep up with my audio book listening and writing what I feel. And I have been thankful that I am practising the hobbies I have passion for. I have transferred the hobbies I love into my daily routine.

*Have you ever thought to change some parts of your routine so you can replace one hobby with something else?

Instead of me always listening to music in the morning, I changed to listening to an audio book for 30 mins on the way to work. This routine has helped as I end up finishing and following along the books I love.

How about watching a film outside of your comfort zone. i watched two films that were sci fi and some 80s film both fantastic.

On days off I have found balance hoping to see my family and also do what I love to do like reading, playing a video game, catching up with my friends from time to time.

Think about your routine there are some cracks in-between I’m sure you would like to change and see what you improve on… worked for me.


I am thankful to my friends and family that have reminded me to make sure I make time for myself, to give myself a fun time or free time to just rejuvenate my rest and health. I am learning and understanding especially around Christmas season whether you celebrate this holiday or not.

Naturally around the universe, the energy shifts the weather is colder, nights are longer, and the environment gets extra busy and we have to be extra cautious, earn extra money, at the same time sleep even longer. And even in days or busy weeks like these, I am thankful to God for giving me my free time to relax and keep my soul and mind at rest.


With work this week I have had to take on board some positive and negative customers and I reflected and realised some of my days at work were stressful, but when reflecting I realised I shouldn’t take the negativity on board or let it affect my spirit.

When you watch a good movie or read a good book some things you watch will affect your core and your soul and you will reflect on something in your past whether good or bad. You reflect on that moment and learn something new every time and feel relieved you have opened your heart on that situation because now…. You can share what you have learned to someone else and help them reflect on their inner image.

I also learned through this week don’t entertain gossip, encourage good and positive things.


Thank you for reading S.S

Written in November 2017

A Conversation with my Father

Hello Child in this Adult world you are still my child,

and I know some choices you make may disturb your peace with me, and you may fall from time to time.

But know my child that you will always be mine,

and know that when you cry I will be there to take those tears.

I’m always here to let you know, the negative you have lived is a lie, and I will fade away all your fears.

Keep smiling my child because I love you until the end of time,

forgiveness is difficult but look how much I did this with you, it’s not for them it’s for you.

Don’t be angry with a vengeance my child, let me deal with them not you.

There are already more miracles to come, and you have been through a lot.

You are not alone my child, I will always be here for you,

I’m just a second away, not minutes, not months, not days away, I am available 24/7 my child.

You can talk to me anytime, along with listening to my response my child. Okay so sons and daughters you made some mistakes here, you made some bad turns over there.

No one is perfect my child, so don’t pretend to be in my world, you are of this dark world and there are some dark days, there are some storms, and there are some hurricanes.

Keep following me my child, even in your wrong turns I am here with you, know that my love for you is bigger than how you see you.

Prepare for more Love and Ups then downs my child, I am forever with you, lay your problems and troubles on me, and I will carry you.

Written in November 2019



S.S That's a Thought

BLOG PAGE S.S THAT’S A THOUGHT , Single Mother, Actress, Writer, Blog Writer, Christian, Cancerian