The Losing Weight Story: Part 2

S.S That's a Thought
5 min readFeb 6, 2021

Thank you for your patience fellow peers, I hope you have been reading and I hope you are making your notes, starting your journey.

Remember this is an adventure, this is your relationship with your body and things can be done at your pace, and your pace only.

Through my experience and feedback, there are tasks that I still do.

Everything is learning, learning about yourself, learning about your body, and learning about what pace you want to work out.

First Three Months

The first three months were the hardest parts of my life, I was still balancing on being a Mother for the first time, and finding where I have the time to work out and get my body back to how I want it.

I did enjoy the first process when beginning to work out, between September, October, and November 2019 I remember simply starting to walk first.

This was able to do, was a walk after lunch for twenty minutes or a twenty-minute walk after dinner. Starting in a slow process with no rush or pressure is the best thing you can do.

Walking and afternoon stretches were my first stage of getting back into exercise.

* Find your first stages of awakening your body back into exercise.


Sleep is very important especially when working on your body, you must find out specifically how many hours do you sleep.

How many hours do you need sleep to function in your everyday routine?

How is your mood when you don’t get enough sleep?

All of this helps you find a balance in working on your body, the great thing is working out can help increase your body is wanting to sleep.

I can function a day well with six hours of sleep at least, I am cranky, moody, and not completely happy when I have a minimum of four hours of sleep.

Exercise has helped me to relax more and sleep better sometimes I sleep earlier, sometimes I get 10 hours of sleep or 8 hours, this benefits me.

Apparently, if you engage in 30 mins of cardio exercise or running, aerobic exercise. This can decrease insomnia, even yoga, powerlifting can do the same.


This question was asked of me a lot, How did I find the Time?

Tips on juggling work and motherhood…

Now I can only speak from my experience, and I have been a single mother ad counting for two years and counting. I try to find the time, even if I feel tired or lazy I feel better once I’ve finished the workout.

I have been home, and only through spring and summer 2019, I was working some hours.

The trouble is for us finding the time, I’m the type of person that doesn’t like to say.

“I can’t find the time”. I really think it depends on what you class as a priority in your day or week.

If you really want to find the time to do something, trust me you will find the time to do it.

Exercise if this is something you want to accomplish, you will find the time. whether it’s ten minutes of a warm-up and 20 min workout.

I know it will feel hard at first, but you can find the push in you, the motivation this could be found from, making a workout playlist, look on Youtube to look for workouts at home, watch some actions movies where you see women kicking ass, this always pushes me to want to work out.

Start looking for something… Once you begin this journey, these steps you will feel so relieved for starting.

*My experience with balancing time and working out

At the start of the first three months, apart from beginning to walk either after lunch or after dinner.

My free time was mainly night time, when my son was asleep, I started to prepare his bottles early, then I would do stretches, a slow warm-up.

My thing for losing weight was dancing, I love dancing and when I am dancing I forget about what’s going on, I can release my emotions, my fears, my anxiety.

Dancing has always been my way of letting loose, once I researched dance workouts, cardio workouts for full-body, for strength, for releasing tension.

I found a way to prepare a routine to exercise in the evening when my son was asleep.

Evening time would be from twenty minutes to half an hour, to ending up being an hour.

An hour of working out for half an hour, to an hour of just freestyle dancing and not thinking about the exercise just having fun.

My time frame from October 2019 to May 2020 was always dancing, cardio, and doing exercise on upper body and arms including glutes.

Dancing is still apart of my routine now but the time has changed, because I workout after dinner now only for an hour, and if I have done a good half an hour walk in the day.

I won’t work out on that day, I’ll only do stretches or one yoga workout where there’s not too much going on.

Making a Workout Plan

In order to find your time frame, think about where at the moment do you have ten minutes spare, or half an hour spare where you are able to start your exercise or workout routine.

You’ll learn to find out if you are an early bird, you like to workout in the morning, get it out the way, or if you are able to work out in the evening.

I suffer from insomnia, I am a night owl way before having a son. So working out has enabled me to sleep better, and decreased the times I used to go to sleep, this was at three or four in the morning.

Now I sleep the earliest 11 or after midnight, and the latest 2 a.m.

So look into :


Balancing your Time

Workout Plan



S.S That's a Thought

BLOG PAGE S.S THAT’S A THOUGHT , Single Mother, Actress, Writer, Blog Writer, Christian, Cancerian